Monday, January 31, 2011

i am overthinking this but...
any thoughts on "Shoot for the Stars"
could also be..'Reach for the Stars', 'Star Struck', 'Under the Stars',' 'Rock-Star', StarWars(j/k) ... come on you can do better or keep it as is??
maybe "wish upon a star"...see, i am overthinking!!



Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tammra's List

Tammra's list based on the last meeting. Please feel free to comment on any list item.

Thanks Tammra for your structured mind!

Here are some abbreviated notes from Thursday because not everyone could make it.

Wendy and Fara went to Irons on Friday THANK YOU ladies. I hear it's lovely.
Here is the info from the visit.
-The price per attendee is $35.00 including tax and gratuity, soft drinks, tea, coffee. Corkage is $10.00 per bottle, Drink tickets would be $5.00 each so Fara feels
we may as well pass on that.
-They have 10 banquet tables/linens for the auction items they can let us use, more than that and we will need to rent. Journey has a few tables if it comes to not
enough tables.
-We can set up 2-3 hours prior however the one room will need to stay open for their late lunch crowd.
-We can stay till some time after 10 pm up to 11pm
-Dinner choices are the chicken, the tri-tip and a vegetarian/vegan and dessert . Fara pointed out that we'll need to figure out a way to let Irons know what the
choices are per attendee.
-They are waiving the room rental fee
-$250.00 deposit when contract is signed, they are holding the date they will accept a CC for deposit amount
-10 days prior prelim numbers, final numbers 5 days prior

1. Wendy is working with Angela on a website for a donation list/log, she is heading up the donations portion of the auction with Fara here is the website/blog
2. Blanks are needed for donation letters and Is anyone gifted in writing a letter of thanks for last year, what about this year' donation???
3. Meggan and Tammra are handling invites, venue logistics.
4. Meggan will be speaking with teachers about what their "teacher auction" is
5. Official date is May 7th. OnTuesday February 1st Tammra is sending out the Save the Date Meggan I need that graphic....aack
6. Lisa Skibstead will attend the PC meeting and speak to the reps and room parents about class donations
7. We need to begin asking for wine donations, it cuts down on our cost significantly Fara do you have an idea how many bottles red/white we might need for a
group of 150 +. Is there any way to find out last years consumption?
8. We have around 75 items donated thus far
9. Wendy would like us to bring in 2 donations each next week. Or no chocolate for you!
10.Live auction items need to be procured. Any ideas?
11. Do we have a time line for what needs to be done, yet?
12. What do we need to create/order for auction cards, numbers, descriptions, seat place holders ect. Do we have any for examples so that we don't re-create the wheel?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Becoming an author on this blog

I just sent all of the committee a request to become an author on this blog. Follow the necessary steps on the email and then you will have access to do your own postings on here whenever you like!
If you have any questions you can contact me at

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thank you!

A big thanks to all of you that are taking the time to create this auction for 2011! We can do this! Please remember to go and find businesses, friends and acquaints willing to donate auction items.
More information to come. Please check back often. Also please leave your name and email in the comment box!
Thank you!!!